
The words ‘이것,’ ‘그것,’ and ‘저것’ are used as indicative pronouns.


이것= This

: For nearby objects


예문(example sentences)

이것은 책상입니다.  This is a desk.

이것을 어디에서 샀습니까?  Where did you buy this?

이것은 누구의 가방입니까?  Whose bag is this?

이것을 어떻게 먹습니까?  How do I eat this?

이것은 얼마입니까?  How much is this?



그것= It

: For objects that are close to the listener

: For objects that have been mentioned already

: For objects that both the speaker and the listener already know


예문(example sentences)

그것을 여기로 가져오십시오.  Please bring it here.

그것을 저에게 주십시오.  Please give it to me.

그것을 움직이지 마십시오.  Please don’t move it.

그것은 좋은 생각입니다.  It’s a good idea.

그것은 문제가 아닙니다.  It’s not a problem.



 저것= That

: For objects that are placed a distance from both the speaker and the listener


예문(example sentences)

저것을 치워 주세요.  Please take that away.

저것이 당신의 지갑인가요?  Is that your wallet?

저것보다 이것이 나아요.  This one is better than that one.

저것 좀 주세요.  Please give that to me.

저것 보세요!  Look at that!



Q) Look at the picture and write the correct words in the blank.


이것             그것               저것


(1) 민지(Minji): _________이 무엇입니까? (What is it?)

제니퍼(Jennifer): _________은 제 농구공입니다. (This is my basketball.)


(2) 민지(Minji): _________은 누구의 책입니까? (Whose book is that?)

제니퍼(Jennifer): _________은 마이크(Mike)의 책입니다. (That’s Mike’s book.)


(3) 민지(Minji): 아, _________ 샀습니까? (Oh, did you buy it?)

제니퍼(Jennifer): 무엇이요? (What?)

민지(Minji): 저번에 백화점에서 본 립스틱이요. (The lipstick we saw at the department store last time.)

제니퍼(Jennifer): 아, _________은 너무 비싸서 안 샀습니다. (Oh, I didn’t because it’s too expensive.)


The word ‘무엇’ is an interrogative pronoun that is used when asking questions about objects or matters.


무엇= What

예문(example sentences)

어제 무엇을 했어요? What did you do yesterday?

오늘 무엇을 먹을 거예요? What are you gonna eat today?

저것무엇인가요? What is that?

무엇이 필요해요? What do you need?

무엇이 문제인가요? What is the problem?




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